MY Localization  / Purchase Price History

Purchase Price History  

View your past purchase prices with one simple click

What is Purchase Price History

The purchase price history is a feature that shows the past product costs of a company. This feature is very convenient because it serves as a single point of reference for the purchasing teams when sending out RFQs.

Implementing this Onnet localized feature will allow your purchasing teams to make the most cost-efficient purchase for the company.



Understand past purchase trends in one glance

Cut short overall purchasing lead time

Easily make better purchasing decisions

Avoid unnecessary purchasing expenses

Key Features

  • Access to past purchasing prices with a single click upon creating RFQs

  • An accurate point of reference for purchase price history

  • Automatically updated purchase history when PO is confirmed

  • Essential information like purchased date, total quantity purchased, and suppliers are all readily available

Purchase Your Supplies with Reliable Purchase Price History

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