MY Localization / Stock Aging Report
Stock Aging Report
What is Stock Aging Report
The stock aging report is a document that shows the key metrics (aging, value, warehouses, etc.) of a company's products.
With the report, companies that deal with a huge number of products daily will be able to identify all their fast and slow-moving products easily. The visibility and traceability of product aging further helps the management in making more informed inventory-related decisions.
In order to better fit the needs of Malaysian SMEs, Onnet has localized the stock aging report, making it easy to be filtered by different metrics when creating the report. The report is also now available in both PDF or Excel format.
Easily identify aged products
Easily make informed inventory-related decisions
Avoid costly inventory wastes
Significantly reduce product storage time

Key Features
Available in PDF/Excel format
Product value/quantity will be shown in real-time
Various grouping of products by different location/warehouse/lot numbers
Flexible report metrics filtering and adjusting