Dennycia Koay, Chief Operating Officer, Anoz

“ Throughout our engagement with Onnet, we have found their support, services, and professionalism to be laudable. They respond to highlighted issues and queries promptly. The Odoo system provides good traceability and any data required can be easily obtained. Overall, Odoo and Onnet are relatively proficient and adequately meet our operational requirements. ”

Dennycia Koay, Chief Operating Officer, Anoz
Odoo Malaysia ERP partner collaborating with Anoz Group of Companies


Anoz Group of Companies is a business group that focuses on producing and trading high precision, good quality 6061 Aluminium plates. With numerous well-established trading and manufacturing subsidiaries across China, Malaysia, and Thailand, Anoz also supplies engineering plastic, stainless steel, copper, brass, and bronze across different industries, sectors, and geographical regions. The subsidiaries that are under Anoz Group of Companies are Anoz International Sendirian Berhad, UA Material Sdn Bhd, UA Materials Co., LTD, Union Aluminum Co., LTD, and Anoz Aluminum (Suzhou) Co., LTD. Anoz Group is persistently striving to sharpen its competitive edge at these rapidly-evolving times, so as to better serve its customers.

Challenges Before Odoo Implementation

Anoz Group, with its subsidiaries located across several countries, data and information of the business should be well integrated. Before seeking consultation from Onnet, Anoz Group has been facing difficulties in managing its huge pool of data. This is due to its large number of sales orders, high volume of inventories and multiple approval matrix across all departments. To help improve its business operations, the group seeks for a user-friendly ERP system that could assist them in running their business more seamlessly.

Lack of integration is one of the challenges that Anoz faced before odoo implementation

Lack of Integration

  • Data and information across all subsidiaries are not integrated.

  • Searching and analyzing of data are hectic.

Lack of visibility and traceability is one of the challenges that Anoz faced before odoo implementation

Lack of Visibility and Traceability

  • Materials and supplies across all subsidiaries have a wide variety of sizes, grades, dimensions and quality. Without an integrated ERP system, materials and supplies could not be easily traced.

 Complex sales flow is one of the challenges that Anoz faced before odoo implementation

Complex Sales Flow

  • Sales flow processes such as customer relations, supply chain management, invoice and etc., are all managed separately without an integrated solution.

Tedious Management Procedures is one of the challenges that Anoz faced before odoo implementation

Tedious Management Procedures

  • Performance reviews on departments and individual may be inaccurate.

  • Approval matrix with tedious procedures could possibly cause OPX gaps within the management.

Odoo Solution for Anoz

Previously, Anoz Group implemented a basic system for their day-to-day business operation. However, the basic system could not provide them real-time, integrated information across various departments and subsidiaries. With the consultation and assistance from Onnet on implementing the Odoo ERP system, solutions have been provided to resolve the difficulties faced. To better suit Anoz Group’s needs, Onnet suggested the implementation of Job Order (a simplified, yet powerful ERP manufacturing application).


on business information, reports & analytics across subsidiaries

  • With Odoo reporting ERP system, all subsidiaries’ information, data and analytics are integrated.

  • Branch performances, sales performances, financial reports, accounting statements and etc., can all be viewed easily.

  • Cross-reference of information by managers of different subsidiaries can be done timely.

Visibility and Traceability

on tracking, managing & locating materials/supplies

  • Odoo inventory ERP system provides convenience in tracking, managing and locating of materials and supplies.

  • Data storing of each material and supply is also much easier.

Sales Flow Automation

to achieve higher customer satisfaction

  • With Odoo ERP system’s sales and purchase, all orders relating to sales, purchase, supply chain and more can be automated.

  • Processing and fulfilling customers’ orders are made easier and more accurate.


achieved through accurate performance evaluations

  • Odoo ERP system allows performance evaluation of each employee, department and subsidiary to be more accurate and up-to-date.

  • The approval matrix across all management levels, departments and subsidiaries are made simpler and timely, allowing a more efficient and effective decision making.

The Right Tool For Your Business

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