MY Localization  / Vendor Portal 2.0

Vendor Portal 2.0  

A seamless communication channel for you and your vendors

What is Vendor Portal

The vendor portal 2.0 serves as an end-to-end communication channel for both the purchaser and the vendor. RFQs sent by the purchasers can be viewed directly from the portal, allowing vendors to check and manage their quotations easily. 

Any changes made by the vendors such as vendor price and shipment date will be automatically updated to the purchaser's system.

Onnet's localized vendor portal 2.0 feature greatly reduces any communication delays that email communications would face.



Provide self-service option to customer

Automated supplier onboarding

Communicate better with the vendors

Keep track of the dynamic vendor changes

Key Features

  • Vendors can manage and update multiple RFQs easily

  • Vendors can directly set vendor price, shipment date, and comments from the portal

  • Purchases will get notifications on any vendor changes

  • Vendor changes will be updated automatically in the backend system

  Speed Up Your Purchasing Processes
with Better Vendor Communication

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